Tarin Gamberini

A software engineer and a passionate java programmer

Become A Translator

If you want to translate a taringamberini.com post write an e-mail at .

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Why don't you translate your posts by yourself?

I don’t regularly translate all my posts mainly for time reasons. Moreover writing straight in English is a way to keep me trained with written English because I am Italian mother tongue (please excuse any mistakes).

Why should I have to translate?

Translating is a strategy to keep trained with Italian language:

  • translating from English to Italian let improve one’s written Italian;
  • translating from Italian to English let improve one’s red Italian;

I want to translate but I don’t have a blog

If you don’t have a personal blog where to post your translation I will host it on taringamberini.com citing you as translator.

I want to translate and I have a blog

If you have a personal blog but you would still prefer I hosted your translation on taringamberini.com there are not any problem: I will cite you as translator.

Instead if you would like to post your translation on your blog then in your translation:

  1. cite you as translator and me as author
  2. insert a link (without the rel="nofollow" attribute) to the original post on my blog.